What is the Washington DC Youth Tour?
Each year, rural electric cooperatives across the nation sponsor roughly 1,900 students on the Rural Electric Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. The Youth Tour program continues to foster the grassroots spirit of the rural electric cooperatives by demonstrating to high schoolers how our government works and what the electric cooperative business model is all about. In a time when energy is at the forefront of our nation’s issues, this is a great opportunity to be an electric cooperative advocate!
Who is eligible?
In 2025, Kandiyohi Power Cooperative will sponsor an all expense paid trip to Washington DC to one qualifying candidate. We are accepting applications from current high school sophomores or juniors. To be eligible, you and your parent(s) or guardian must be served by Kandiyohi Power Cooperative at your primary residence. Dependents of Kandiyohi Power Cooperative employees or directors are not eligible to participate.
Nearly 50,000 students from rural areas and small towns across America have participated in this program. The Youth Tour has brought high school students to Washington DC for a week in June every year since the late 1950s. Students gain a personal understanding of American history and their role as a citizen by meeting their Representative and Senators.
Youth Tour 2025: June 16-21, 2025
More information can be found at the National Youth Tour website: http://youthtour.coop
How do I apply?
If you want to be part of this fun (free!) week in Washington DC, please complete the online application. Applicants will be judged based on the answers to their essay questions on the following topics: Why do you want to be Kandiyohi Power Cooperative's delegate for the Youth Tour of Washington DC? What makes cooperatives different, how would you explain membership to someone in your community? and How can cooperatives engage high school students to deepen their understanding and participation in electric cooperatives?
What is the application deadline?
Application deadline is February 21, 2025.
Download the Youth Tour Contest Rules