Energy Star Appliances
Kandiyohi Power Cooperative is offering the following incentives to encourage energy conservation through rebates. Members who replace existing refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers or clothes dryers with a new energy star listed appliance are eligible for rebates.
Refrigerators and freezers qualify for a $75 rebate from Kandiyohi Power as long as the old appliance is recycled and the new appliance is installed at a location served by the cooperative. Dehumidifiers and clothes dryers qualify for a $25 rebate from the cooperative as long as the new appliance is installed at a location served by the cooperative. Each member is limited to one rebate per appliance type every 10 years.
Smart Thermostat
A smart thermostat is a Wi-Fi enabled device that automatically adjusts heating and cooling temperature settings in your home for optimal performance.
A smart thermostat rebate of $25 is available to KPC members.
Water Heaters
Built to Last: Laser welded through a concentrated heat source producing high quality, long lasting, 316L stainless steel tank construction (lightweight) - Superior corrosion resistance, eliminates the need for anode rods, protects against harsh water conditions for the lifetime of durability against leaks. Fantastic limited warranty. To learn about 80 gallon water heaters available through KPC, visit HTP.
Marathon non-metallic electric water heaters are durable, lightweight, and warranted not to leak as long as you own your home. High efficiency design and a lightweight tank that won't corrode. Seamless, blow-molded, polybutene tank – impervious to rust and corrosion. To learn about 100 gallon water heaters available through KPC, visit Rheem.
Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM) for your furnace
ECMs help save energy and money by running at the best speed, opposed to traditional motors that always run at top speed. Furnaces equipped with an ECM have lower annual operating costs and can save you $40 to $300 per year depending on how you use the furnace fan.
An ECM rebate of $50 is available to KPC members for replacement only.
Ducted Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP)
It's the best of both worlds. ASHPs provide home cooling and supplemental heating with 72 percent less electricity than conventional air conditioners and furnaces. You can switch between cooling and heating directly from the thermostat, putting you in complete control. Quality Installed (QI) is required. Please be sure your contractor is QI-certified.
A rebate for a Quality Installed ASHP of $500-$800 is available to KPC members if eligibility requirements are met. The rebate form is provided by the QI-certified contractor.
Ductless Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP)
Use 60 percent less energy than standard home electric resistance-based heating systems, because they transfer instead of generate heat. Use sophisticated compressors and fans that can adjust speeds to save energy. You can cut cooling costs by 30 percent compared to conventional room air conditioners.
A ductless ASHP rebate of $300-$500 is available to KPC members.
Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) Energy Star
The most efficient residential heating and cooling system available today. Provide energy savings of 20-50 percent, which results in recouping your investment in only a few years. Heating efficiencies 50-70 percent higher than other heating systems and cooling efficiencies 20-40 percent higher than available air conditioners.
Electric Vehicle
Kandiyohi Power Cooperative makes owning an EV even more attractive by offering the ChargeWise and Revolt programs. Enrollment forms on pages 2 and 3 of the form linked below, if enrolling in both you need only to fill out member and vehicle information sections once. ChargeWise is a voluntary program offered by your electric cooperative for members with a qualifying hardwired, level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). The qualifying EVSE must be enrolled in an off-peak EV charging rate.
A rebate of up to $200 is available to KPC members to offset the cost to install an EV charger controlled on an off-peak rate.
CEE Loan Program
Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) offers zero and low interest loans for qualified, Minnesota homeowners to make energy efficiency improvements in their home. CEE, a Minneapolis based nonprofit organization serves as the lender for the program and will assist you through the loan process.
For more information, visit their website: