For a detailed list of the rates, please click here. For renewable rates and high load factor rates, contact us for additional information.
Residential Rates
Access Charge:
$49.59 per month
Energy Charge:
Summer (June, July, August)
$0.13115 per kilowatt hour
Winter (September-May)
$0.1107 per kilowatt hour
Commercial Rates
Access Charge:
$66.97 per delivery point per month
Energy Charge:
Summer (June, July, August) Demand Charge
$19.17 per kilowatt
Winter (September-May) Demand Charge
$13.85 per kilowatt
Rate per kilowatt hour used
City of Kandiyohi Residential Rates
Access Charge:
$41.92 per delivery point per month
Energy Charge:
Summer (June, July, August)
$0.11683 per kilowatt hour
Winter (September-May)
$0.10661 per kilowatt hour
City of Kandiyohi Commercial Rates
Access Charge:
$71.58 per delivery point per month
Energy Charge:
Demand Charge
$8.45 per kilowatt
Rate per kilowatt hour used